Breast Augmentation: Silicone Versus Saline Implants
Breast augmentation has long been among the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed in the U.S., with more than 290,000 augmentations performed in the country in 2016, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Breast augmentation surgery is generally sought by women who feel that their breasts are not in proportion with the rest of their body, and women unhappy with changes to their breasts that occur as a result of childbirth, nursing and/or aging. Breast augmentation is often combined with a breast lift to help provide women with fuller, more youthful-looking breasts.
After a decision has been made to pursue breast augmentation, a woman generally consults with her plastic surgeon to determine which procedure will lead to the best results for her body type. Along with determining breast implant size and placement (behind the breast or behind the chest muscle), a decision must be made about what type of implant to use.
What Are the Differences Between Saline and Silicone Implants?
While all breast implants have an outer shell made of silicone, this is the same substance used in IV tubing and other medical applications used every day. The material inside the shell, or the filler, is either a saline solution or silicone gel. The shape of the shell is designed to mimic the a woman’s breast. The filling material determines how it feels Silicone is the more viscous of the two substances and believed to more closely mimic the natural look and feel of breast tissue. Saline is essentially sterile salt water, and this type of implant was developed in the 1990s as an alternative to silicone due to a health scare linking silicone implants to a chronic autoimmune disease.
The health scare from this concern prompted the removal of silicone implants from the US except in experimental trials. Extensive clinical studies of silicone implants and years of research showed no link between silicone implants and systemic illness, and so the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approving the continued use of silicone implants.
Breast Augmentation Surgery Available in Naples, Florida
Gardner Plastic Surgery in Naples, Florida, has long offered breast augmentation and breast implants as part of its practice. As a highly regarded breast enhancement surgeon, Dr. Paul Gardner combines his vast knowledge of cosmetic breast surgery with the latest surgical techniques and an artistic eye to produce outstanding results for his patients. To learn how Dr. Gardner can help achieve the body you desire with augmentation using either silicone or saline breast implants, contact Gardner Plastic Surgery today at 239.566.2611 to schedule your initial consultation.